Thursday, 20 April 2017

World earth day

S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, Park Town and Exnora Greater Chennai jointly celebrated World Earth Day

S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, Park Town and Exnora Greater Chennai jointly celebrated World Earth Day

S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, Park Town and Exnora Greater Chennai jointly celebrated World Earth Day

S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, Park Town and Exnora Greater Chennai jointly celebrated World Earth Day

S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, Park Town and Exnora Greater Chennai jointly celebrated World Earth Day

S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, Park Town and Exnora Greater Chennai jointly celebrated World Earth Day
S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, Park Town and Exnora Greater Chennai jointly celebrated World Earth Day with a unique project under the Theme “Environmental & Climate Literacy” at the School premises.
As part of the Earth Day celebrations, saplings were distributed to the School students and they were urged to create a mini terrace garden at their homes.
Ms. Yogalakshmi, Coordinator, Eco Club of the School welcomed the gathering and explained the importance of Earth day and how students can participate in the activity.
R. Govindaraj, President, Greater Chennai Exnora urged students to take action to save our planet. “Think Globally, Act Locally and Do Domestically is the motto of Exnora” he said. Students should do their mite to save the planet from environmental degradation and Doing Domestically could be their starting point. “You can create a mini terrace garden in your home and compost the vegetable waste to produce manure, which can be used to nourish the terrace garden” he said. Mr. Govindaraj also said that this activity will be an excellent service students can do to help the planet and said that Exnora team will visit their homes and after inspecting their home garden and home composting, will issue certificates and prizes for the best effort.
More than 200 students actively participated in the event, which also included a workshop to discuss the importance of taking up regular activities to save the planet. They held several placards with informative and motivational slogans and many students spoke on the importance of actively involving in the Green initiatives. The Students took a pledge to actively involve themselves in this Earth-saving Activity.
Ms. Kasturi, Ms. Bharani and Ms. Vatsala, teachers of the Schools spoke on the occasion and motivated students to take a lead role in reducing our carbon footprint. Making small changes to our lifestyle and spending a few minutes in the green activities will not only make the planet a better place but also improve our physical and mental health, they said.

Fatheraj J Jain, Secretary-North Chennai and A. Tamilmani, Vice-President, Exnora Greater Chennai, participated in the Event.
Mrs. Uma N. Murthy, Principal, S.J.T. Surana Jain Vidyalaya, coordinated the event and assured that the School will take all necessary steps to motivate their students to participate in this green initiative.
Ms. Santanalakshmi delivered a vote of thanks.